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Andrea Leigh Capuyan, ED of Laurel Pregnancy Center, on how grace and her experience shape her work with people during and after unintended pregnancy

Episode #11

Andrea Leigh Capuyan, Executive Director of the LPC in the Baltimore/Washington DC metro area and ProGrace Equip learning community member, discusses how her life experience and grace changed how she and her organization operate. Rejecting industry norms and standards, Andrea has allowed her own experience and faith, as well as the ProGrace community and resources, to guide her toward a more empathetic and loving standard of care in her organization.

Andrea faced an unintended pregnancy at 25, not at a time in her life in which she felt capable of raising a child. Her own experiences, both good and bad, with religious pregnancy centers impacted her stance on the goals and methods she would later employ as the Executive Director of LPC. Andrea is uniquely qualified to understand the guilt, shame, and panic that her clients experience and has reimagined her organization's response to unintended pregnancy support. She also has a unique story to tell the church about how we can and must treat people more like Jesus does.

Guest Bio
Andrea Leigh Capuyan serves on the board of the Center for Steward Leader Studies, and she is the executive director for the Laurel Pregnancy Center (the LPC) - a local counseling-based ministry with limited medical services for pregnancy support care and helping anyone impacted by reproductive loss, and post-abortion grief. The LPC team is centered on Christ, believing that God meets us in life’s most challenging circumstances. The LPC team is an awesome testimony to the power and hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, reminding us that our story isn’t over, and in situations of life and death, God resurrects and renews. There is always hope.
