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What is the 10-week ProGrace Experience?

10-week prograce experience Jun 28, 2016

I have been on the ProGrace journey for over a decade, and one thing I’ve learned is that it takes time to adopt a new way of thinking about unplanned pregnancy and abortion. Most of us have strong mental models on the topics, and we need to give ourselves ample time and grace to rethink them.

In our research, we’ve found that many people experience significant transformation through our 2-hour ProGrace workshop and are excited to continue the journey. So we created this 10-week experience as a follow up for workshop participants. At the same time, we’re making this public on our blog so anyone who wants to take next steps on the ProGrace journey can join in.

For workshop participants:

We will go even deeper into the topics we addressed in the workshop, with an emphasis on you having conversations with God, yourself, and others. This is where the ideas from the workshop start to impact your day-to-day experience. You will receive a weekly reminder email, but feel free to work through this at your own pace.

For blog followers:

You can go through these in any order, but might find it most helpful to start with week one.

Regardless of how you entered the Experience, you will get more out of it if you have a community to discuss this with. So please feel free to invite a friend (or two or three!) to go through this experience with you. And visit us on Facebook and Twitter to share your thoughts and ask any questions.

We look forward to hearing from you – and are grateful to be on this journey together!

Week 1: Start a Conversation

Week 2: Continue the Conversation

Week 3: Grace Overcomes Shame

Week 4: Grace and Forgiveness

Week 5: Shame and Scarcity

Week 6: Grace and Truth

Week 7: Grace and Truth, Part 2

Week 8: The Gospel of Grace

Week 9: A Safe Place for Conversation

Week 10: A ProGrace Conversation

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