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Does the Roe decision impact the ProGrace strategy?

Jul 27, 2022

Since Roe vs. Wade was overturned last month, many people have asked us, “Will this impact the ProGrace mission or strategy?” It’s a valid question since it can seem as if everything around the whole abortion conversation is changing. 


In the following three newsletters, we’ll look at three key realities that haven’t changed and why the ProGrace mission of providing Christians with a new way to think, talk and engage is more important than ever.


What hasn’t changed:

  1. Christians need a response to abortion that reflects the Kingdom, not a political party
  2. The realities of unintended pregnancy that cause women to believe their only options are abortion or overwhelming struggle still exist

  3.  No abortion laws will change the fact that only 7% of people approach Christians for help before an abortion, citing fear of judgment and lack of visible support


Today we’ll look at the first reality:


Christians still need a response to abortion that reflects the Kingdom, not a political party. 


I’m grateful to live in a democracy and take my responsibility to be involved politically seriously. I think all Christians should. And yet, Jesus modeled a higher value for proclaiming the Kingdom than for engaging in the politics of His society, and we should, too.


Despite this, when it comes to abortion, Christians currently don’t sound any different than other Americans. We define ourselves as pro-life or pro-choice, just like everyone else. And anyone hearing us describe ourselves this way assigns us the complete set of stereotypes that go along with each position. These stereotypes shut down conversation and make it impossible to communicate.


At the heart of all the stereotypes is the core limitation of the political debate: one person gets left out. I hear Christians on both sides talk about their value for the woman and the child, and I believe that’s in their hearts. But the problem is that no one will hear that message if we use these political terms. People don’t think someone can honestly care for the woman and be pro-life - or truly care for the child and be pro-choice.


So, in this increasingly polarized society, we need a Christian response that sits outside the political stereotypes and demonstrates God’s value for all people.  


And that’s what Jesus provides us. When He was confronted with two conflicting ideas, He pointed out that neither offered the complete picture and instead presented a third Kingdom response: 

  • Matthew 22:15-22

  • John 8:2-11

  • John 9:1-3

  • John 4:19-24

He actually didn’t answer their initial question that would have painted him into a corner. Instead, He stated the Kingdom response and left it at that. The only way people will begin to trust that we truly value the woman and child equally is if we don’t answer the loaded question, “are you pro-life or pro-choice?”


The problem becomes: how do we respond to this question? We know that shying away from this topic is not effective. We can honestly answer that these are political positions and neither completely fits our position on abortion. We can then talk about being part of a new Christian response that values the woman and child equally and works for the dignity and welfare of both of them. Jesus gives us the freedom to see beyond the political and legalistic thinking of our culture to His grace- and love-centered Kingdom, in which all people are valued, respected, and cared for. Let us strive to live like this.

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