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Discussion Topic: Conversations with Christians

prograce Jul 30, 2018

Something to think about:

As we start these conversations, it’s important to acknowledge there are Christians on both political sides of the issue. We can’t assume that a Christian brother or sister sees all the complexities of this issue in the same way we do. Even though our moral beliefs may be the same, it doesn’t automatically mean our political views are the same.

At ProGrace, we have conversations with many Christians who believe abortion is never God’s best for either a woman or a child. And although all of them share that same belief, some vote pro-life and some vote pro-choice.

Questions you can ask to start a conversation:

All the divisive talk regarding the new Supreme Court nominee makes me want to have a bridge building conversation about abortion. How do you think we as Christians could talk more about this important issue without getting mired in political debate?

Do you think we could come together as Christians about our moral beliefs on abortion and discovering Gospel-centered solutions, without assuming our brothers and sisters vote the same way we do?

ProGrace main point you can stick to:

God is calling Christians to be His hands and feet to bring the grace and support that can help women see another option besides abortion. I want to start a grace dialogue so we can be united and start to reach out in this way.

Dive deeper, and listen to what Angie had to say on Facebook Live!


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